Gardening Australia

Just a girl, a hand saw, her gardening assistant (the dog) and the motivation for a few raised veggie patches.

The house came with this super overgrown section of the yard, I’ve been keen to clean it up and add some raised garden beds.
I need motivation and inspiration to finish the rest, tell me about your gardens and what you are growing this spring?!

by Redpen98


  1. GreenThumbGreenLung

    Your assistant seems very kind
    Im doing some strawberries and tomatoes surrounded by native plants and flowers for my insect mates

  2. captwombat33

    Think of eating the most tasty tomato or Strawberry you have ever eaten, and then realise it has come from your very own garden!

    That you hard work made it happen!

    Now things will go wrong, things will fail, but you will learn so much as you go.

    Start small, grown things that are easy, lettuce, peas, zucchini, tomatoes, all should give you a good crop.

    Remember to mulch everything, keep the water up to them and most of all, have fun!

    Oh, and consider putting in some fruit trees in your yard.

  3. DegeneratesInc

    Cherry tomatoes, lettuce, shallots and capsicum are cheap and easy to grow and expensive to buy ready to eat from a grocer.

  4. goshdammitfromimgur

    Good progress. Have a look at wicking beds for your raised garden beds.

  5. the_amatuer_

    I would go here – [](

    Milkwood are fantastic resource. They have free or paid resources. They are permiculture, without being TOO permiculture. They have some really good beginner to mid experience resources.

    If I was starting out, I would keep it really basic. You can always do other things over time.

    You don’t NEED raised beds, you can plant straight into the ground if the soil is ok. Raised means you need to buy soil and build them. Map out where you get sun and roughly map out some place to plant. A compost bin is a cheap way of getting food for you plants.

    Start with easy growing, big rewarding plants. Herbs (parsley, mint, thyme, rosemary) can be stupidly easy. Beans, peas, snow peas will get you heaps of stuff, you just need something to climb on. Tomatos in summer, but you need to watch them and water them. Zucchini and squash will get you heaps of produce. Lettuce is fun and easy. Corn, carrots are less rewarding, but are fun to plant.

    Otherwise native flowers are hardy and brings bees and birds to the yard.

    Once you have had a couple of seasons you can build on top of what you have learned.

    I’d almost keep some of the grass, just cut it back a bit.

  6. Whosyafoose

    We bought last year. The house had a lot of awful exotic trees and terraces in awkward spots. It was a pain to mow, so we sheet mulched them, added a pond, and have been planting natives on the terraces.

    We’ve removed all the exotic trees and shrubs. Pput in a little herb garden bordering our deck. I’ve ripped out an overgrown garden of exotics and replaced them with strawberries and a few citrus trees.

    There’s a lot more planting and sheet mulching to do, but I’m so pleased with the results so far.

    There will be raised Veggie beds eventually, and I have fruit trees in pots that will go in the ground.

    It’s been hard and there’s been a lot of trial and error, but I’ve loved it.

  7. Traditional_Judge734

    Very handsome assistant

    my GSD is very good at assisting with digging holes, alas not always in the right spot!!!

    Not so great with pruning

    Well done.

  8. Beagle-Mumma

    Great work so far!!!

    The People in r/AustralianPets would love to meet your gorgeous assistant 😍🐾💗

  9. TripMundane969

    You need that guy on IG to clean your yard. They rock! timthelawnmowerman or nathanslawnsandgardens

  10. Kirstae

    Your pup looks SO much like my late Billie! What a handsome man!

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