Horticulture Terrariums

Mushrooms growing in my terrarium

So I’ve had these guys start growing in this terrarium I’ve had for about 6 months. I’ve heard this is a sign of good soil but there’s mycelium everywhere and I’m worrying if too much is bad and likely to kill the plants. Also if anybody can identify these mushrooms I’d love to know out of curiosity what they are, thanks 🙂

by palfreeey

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  1. AutoModerator

    Hey palfreeey

    Need help identifying a bug? Check out r/whatsthisbug .
    Need help identifying a plant? Check out r/whatsthisplant
    Need help identifying a mold or fungus? That can only be achieved using professional sampling methods and laboratory analysis. Your environment is too wet. if it’s a wet environment purposely it needs ventilation.
    Have you checked out our [resource page](https://www.reddit.com/r/terrariums/wiki/index/resources/)?

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