
What an I doing wrong?

Maybe getting too much sun? I recently moved her to a brighter room so I could see her better…

by yarn_barf


  1. yarn_barf

    “Am” can’t figure out how to edit.

  2. mercilessdestroyer

    How much are you watering? It does that sometimes when it’s overwatered. However, I don’t want to be a downer, but I’m seeing some white specs on the leaves, and it is a little consistent with thrips damage, especially picture two. I’d quarantine that baby just in case.

  3. Usual_Platypus_1952

    Check to see if those thin white specs are alive. They are highly suggestive of thrips. The thrip larvae look like tiny little miniature grains of rice. If those specs move at all you have thrips and one tedious battle ahead of you. If they are, bonide captain Jack’s dead bug brew is a great starting point.

  4. Full-Owl-5509

    Others seem to think possible thrips so I’d definitely check for that, but this kind of damage looks like maybe you should treat your water for your plants. The heavy stuff in our treated tap water will often get pushed into the tips of the leaves as it’s processed through the plant. Try API fish tank conditioner or stress coat….its super cheap and worked wonders n my plants.

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