Gardening Austin

What should I do with this groundcover/weed?

1st picture is what my front yard looks like right now – based on some googling I think it’s matted sandmat? Our grass died earlier in the summer (2nd picture) and the sandmat popped up and spread like crazy. There is some horseherb mixed in, and I’d prefer for it to all be horseherb… just not sure how to fight this beast that the sandmat has become.

by posttoast4


  1. hotttsauce84

    In the first photo the green weeds near the bottom sorta look like spotted spurge and the longer green grass looking stuff around the front of your flowerbed looks like nut sedge.

    On the second photo, I’m pretty sure that’s spotted spurge in the middle of the photo and horseherb in the front bottom right with the yellow flowers. Not sure what’s the longer stuff in the background is.

    Either way, a bunch of prolific nasty weeds that will require a slow and steady multi-faceted approach over a couple seasons to really get it under control. *edit: horseherb is not actually a “nasty weed.” I had a whole yard of it when I lived on the Eastside and it was wonderful but whether or not you want it as part of your long-term plan is up to you.

    Honestly if it were me, I would just sheet mulch it all. Bury it all under a inch or two layer of thick mulch. You won’t have grass for a year until the mulch decomposed but all of the weed seed will get buried and you’ll have a much easier time pulling up the few weeds that push their way through the mulch than trying to tackle them all. The mulch will also enrich your soil as it decomposed making it a healthier medium for if and when you want to bring grass back. Next fall I would over seed a couple pounds of Native American Seed Thunder Turf native grass blend and let nature do its thing. You’ll hopefully end of with a beautiful native short grass prairie that you won’t have to mow and that will keep future weeds at bay.

  2. JsterlingT

    I think it’s called spurge? I have the same thing. It TOOK OVER my front yard. I’ve been spot treating it with round up that is safe for grass. I know it’s bad on the environment but I’m really at a loss for what to do as well. It’s working ok. It’s killing off the weed pretty slowly. And seems like it’s leaving the native grass alone and giving it time to grow. You might have to test it on the Horse Herb though.

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