
White fuzz?

Bought this lil guy from Ikea a while ago and only recently noticed some white fluff/fuzz all over the body. Is it natural? I did some research and found it could be mealy bugs but I can't see them anywhere on or underneath the cactus inside the pot.

by RikaZumi


  1. PS3user74

    That looks like a very bad mealy bug infestation.
    Adults and eggs will be hiding in the wool and if you pull some off and crush it you should see some red pigmentation.

    I would remove as much of it as you can by hand and then treat with a spray or isopropyl alcohol.

    Actually I can see some individual mealies on some of the spines.

  2. Lament_Configurator

    Sorry for your unintended zoo. Good luck getting rid of them!

  3. ButMomItsReddit

    How to treat mealy bugs. First, isolate the Cactus because mealy bugs spread. Second, make the mixture: one share water, one share isopropyl alcohol (found in pharmacies; don’t use drinking alcohol, it will burn the plants), and one share dish soap. Third, with a cotton swab soaked in the mixture, thoroughly remove all the white fuzz and any bugs you find. Fourth, spray the cactus thoroughly with the mixture. Let’s it stay for 15 minutes, then wash it off. Isolate the cactus for at least three weeks to monitor if new bugs emerge (they lay eggs), repeat if necessary, but it might work the first time.

  4. benpenguin

    Keeping your cactus inside next to your gaming pc is a recipe for disaster. If you want indoor plants avoid cactus

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