
Will this prop? Had it in water for over a week and the nodes havent grown roots

I think it might be a monstera of sorts, I got a broken branch from orange box store

by _abridged


  1. canic2321

    It should, some cuttings just take longer to root – could be a few weeks or even a month before you see a change; just keep it in water and change the water periodically.

  2. Guilty-Yard5697

    A good way to get nodes with no leaves to root is with more humidity. Try a prop box. Get a clear plastic container and put it in there with some water and either perlite or sphagnum moss. Also, these can take quite a while, several weeks. Good luck on your plant journey!!! It’s so fun

  3. iamwintermute_

    Older nodes sometimes prop slower. When I was propping my many years old satin pothos the old nodes with old aerial root nubs prop SO SLOWLY, especially the ones without leaves. I ended up scratching the end of the nubs a little to try and stimulate it. In the future I might rub some rooting hormone on the scratched nubs to see if it helps.

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