
Is black cherry an actual form of pink princess philo?

I’m confused about the variegation on this ppp, I thought the dark color was normal and not variegation bc all of my ppp leaves are the darker color but this leaf is hardened and it is a half moon with green?(ignore the damage on the leaf, they love to get stuck and I forget to water sometimes lol) I faintly remember the person who sold me the momma plant saying something about black cherry? So is black cherry an actual separate variegation then and is this it?

by Mysterious-Reach-464


  1. cryptoDCLXVI

    There is a real one! But it’s extremely rare. It’s mostly a buzz word for sales unfortunately. I was got with this sales tactic and bought a 70$ PPP….

  2. trichocereusnitrogen

    It’s gonna be hard to tell until more leaves form and with maturity..

    I have a pair of little PPP plants that were sold to me as “Black Cherry” by an Etsy vendor (Sunshine Greens I think). They’re still quite small but the leaves do appear somewhat darker to me than other PPPs I’ve grown.

    Also bought a pair of “Marble Galaxy” PPPs, and these looked quite obviously different from regular PPP, but one died and the other is still a tiny little starter plant that looks like it’s on death’s door. For some reason the “Black Cherry” versions have grown better. But yea, the leaves get stuck – so annoying!

  3. cryptoDCLXVI

    Do you have more pictures? This is my “black cherry”

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