What's this plant

What kind of bean is this?

My neighbor who is gone 9 months out of the year has these growing in their yard. Obviously is a bean, but what variety? I’d ask them but they’re never home lol

by HereForTheEarlGrey


  1. kkirstenc

    Purple/pink hyacinth bean. Don’t eat them.

  2. BoBLB13

    Looks like there are two different types of bean there. The purple spotted green one is a green bean but the pink flower doesn’t belong to the same plant. Like someone else said, the pink flower is a hyacinth bean or long bean or similar

  3. Independent_Cow_4959

    There are two different varieties. The variegated kind looks like Dragon’s Tongue (a Dutch heirloom variety) though they usually turn a cream color with the purple striping. These have the striping but still look green so I could be wrong on the variety.

    The all purple bean could be a few different bean varieties but looks like Purple Queen or Royal Burgundy (just an educated guess, could be wrong 🤷‍♀️).

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