
Is my neighbor going to kill this tree?

So this tree is in our next door neighbor’s yard, and leans against their fence over my backyard, and over the neighbor’s yard behind me. The neighbor behind me has been slowly cutting off branches, and has now cut quite a lot off. The tree is a little split in the middle and leans (hard to see), but the top branches had/have leaves. He had to remove our fence to cut off limbs lol. I’m just wondering if anything he’s doing will kill the tree! We rent, and it’s not our tree, so I don’t really care, but I just don’t want the tree to fall on my house if he kills it. Unsure if he’s going to cut more off.

by blondeb67


  1. ianmoone1102

    He’s well on his way to killing it, and it looks like he might be trying to get himself killed in the process.

  2. fleshybagofstardust

    If your neighbor is unsuccessful in killing this tree, you should definitely step in for the universe and kill this tree by any means necessary. For your neighbor, for you, for the universe. Then plant three more.

  3. darwinsidiotcousin

    It’s hard to tell exactly what he’s trying to do with this tree. Hopefully he’s trying to remove it and is piecing it down, albeit in a terrible manner.

    If he stops working on it, I would ask him about it and check on your renters insurance policy, because that tree is not going to do well.

  4. Freebird_mojo

    You wouldn’t happen to be in north Georgia, would you? The other day, while driving, I spotted a very tall ladder up into a tree like this, with several branches cut, and chills went down my spine. Your neighbor may be creative but he’s also very foolish. Tree cutting should never be done on a ladder. I know someone who’s paralyzed from the neck down from such foolisness.
    That being said, If they cut any more, you should capture it on video. Could end up with a very funny clip if not a very grotesque and sad one.

  5. dislikesmostofyou

    i’d be more worried about him killing himself

  6. dislikesmostofyou

    oh shit. is that his ladder in your yard??? That’s an egregious amount of liability. if that’s the case please remove it immediately and dont allow him back on your property

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