No Lawns

What should I plant?

I have a typical suburban Portland house; except we're about 2 years into trying to convert our property onto a food forest/permaculture type garden. We have two little girls who like to run laps and play in a yard. I want to keep a small area of our back yard "lawn" but don't want to use monculture grass. The picture is of the space I'd like to keep flat, green, and traffic tolerant. What should I use? There's already grass. We also have moles, who I've let just do their thing. The left side of the picture is south.

by pdxcascadian


  1. pdxcascadian

    I’m sorry, I forgot to post that I’m in zone 9a (I think now, used to be 8b). The picture is facing west, south to the left, laurel and arbovide hedges in the neighbors yard, house to the right. We don’t water the lawn, but our kids do play in a small pool a few times a month in the summer and that gets drained into the yard.

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