Gardening Australia

Converting fish ponds to garden beds drainage

Converting fish ponds to garden beds drainage

by scrawlpace

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  1. scrawlpace


    Beginner gardener here.

    I moved into this house a few years ago. In the backyard is a large rockface which the previous owner had built 3 tiered fish ponds.

    The ponds mainly contained mosquitoes and stagnant water, so I drilled some holes in the lowest tier and drained them while dealing with repairs on other parts of the house.

    Fast forward to today and I’ve started preparing turning the fish ponds into a native Australian garden.

    Looking for advice on drainage. I currently have three holes (~2.5cm diameter) drilled into the lowest brick wall. I’m planning to drill 2-3 similar sized holes at the base of the top and middle tier walls.

    Does that feel like enough to address drainage, or would I need something more substantial?

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