
Calathea makoyana not doing well

Hi all, nice to be part of a community. I got myself a makoyana earlier this year and it started having issues four months ago.

First was worms. It’s an indoor plant but it suddenly started to have earthworms and generally I just really don’t like worms and insects so I want to get rid of them. I’ve repotted it twice and given it as deep of a bath as possible (removing literally all the soil that I could) and nothing has worked. The deep bath got me around 6 weeks of no worms but I really don’t know why they started again just last night. Is this possibly a sign of an issue?

Next there was/is a fungus issue too. I was removing 3-5 leaves every week as they were going yellow. I’m still trying to treat this with a homemade mixture of water and some dishwashing liquid and baking soda which I read is a homemade alternative to fungicide. It worked and now I still have some dry parts of the leaves but I haven’t had to remove any leaves for two weeks. In the picture you’ll see a leaf that just started to go yellow this morning. Is this possibly related to the worms as they both just reappeared now?

Last issue that I noticed is that when all of these issues started, the leaves no longer go up in the night. I used to water it every week but I made it around every ten days now to hopefully help with the fungus issue. What should I do? 😢

Also, how do you guys water your Calatheas? What I’ve been doing is to fill the whole pot with water and soak for ten minutes then dry her all up, but is this too much maybe? It’s what I do with my other plant (not a Calathea) but they might need completely different care.

by adropofbluerain

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