
New to dahlias… yellow spots and preventing rot

Hi everyone, I couldn’t find photos online that seemed to match exactly… so I apologise if it is obvious and a question asked a lot.

One of my dahlias (pink flower, later photos) developed these yellow spots on some of its leaves. I removed all the affected leaves with disinfected snips and disinfected in between cuts. I’ve moved it away from my other dahlias.

Now another one (red flower, earlier photos) has a couple of leaves with the same. Is it the dreaded virus and do I need to dispose of any affected dahlias?

I bought them a couple of weeks ago and they are only in their nursery pots still as I hadn’t had chance to pot them up yet so wasn’t sure if it could be nutrient or water deficiency?

My other question is, it’s rained here a lot and some of my dahlias were getting mouldy/rotten in the middle. The red flower one’s main stem was rotting. I cut it off right below the rot and have moved it inside to help jt dry out but it is still rotting at the top. How can I stop this?

Can I cut the main stem underneath the rot and apply something to prevent water getting in the stem? Like a treatment and or tape covering?

Thank you! 🙏🏼

by fluffbabies

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