Vegetable Gardening

Is my spinach stupid?

It's only 3 weeks old and already bolting

by Halpaviitta


  1. barriedalenick

    I gave up on Spinach years ago as it did that every single time. I grow what is called New Zealand spinach now which is great and isn’t actually spinach!

  2. heykatja

    What’s your climate like? I just direct sowed mine on Sept 1 and I’m in 7a, where I’m not expecting first frost until second half of Oct. Spinach does bolt readily in summer heat, so mine has just germinated which is perfect timing for my area as it has just cooled down for the last week.

  3. Scared_Tax470

    It looks like you’re growing it indoors? Spinach doesn’t like to be indoors, doesn’t like heat, doesn’t like to be transplanted, and bolts when it gets over 12 hours of light, which people often do with artificial lights, thinking more is better.

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