
Any advice for helping my monstera grow? It’s been about 6 months, but it hasn’t grown at all.”

Any advice for helping my monstera grow? It’s been about 6 months, but it hasn’t grown at all.”

by Daniazulxx


  1. uglyseagull

    That area where you have it looks a bit dark. These plants need to be in bright indirect sun to thrive and grow. Make sure it has well draining soil and does not have any root rot. Water only when the soil is dry.

  2. bt101010

    Could be dormant because it thinks it’s winter. Unless you live in the southern hemisphere where it actually has been winter, you prob just need to put it in brighter light for longer and make sure it’s not too cold where it is. My tropical plants grow like crazy in the summer months in my apartment because I don’t have AC so it gets upwards of 28°C and drops to regular room temp at night. Even though they’re under grow lights so the light doesn’t change, they barely grow in the winter because of the temp. Also could just need some fertilizing to give it a boost. Might also have outgrown its pot if none of those things do the trick, it could just not have any reason or space to grow. The good thing is it looks very healthy!

  3. lulumoon21

    Needs more light I think, maybe place her closer to a window?

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