
Officially 1st (& only) to compost in my circle

I’d been wanting to compost for a while but cared too much about that everyone in my circle would think. Finally got over that this week, watched some YT vids, hit the hardware store, and did it. As I suspected, the family and friends I’ve told so far have been close minded about this. I’d be lying if I said I don’t care a little but not letting it stop me, working on a bokashi bucket (I know now not to throw eggs anywhere else), and looking forward to this and my future garden. I’m learning through this and open to any tips and suggestions!

by Sure-Ostrich1656


  1. Rude_Ad_3915

    Garbage can has worked well enough for me as a vermicompost bin. A little tough to empty though.

  2. anntchrist

    Sorry your immediate circle isn’t more supportive of your composting, but hopefully they will see the light as time goes on, and in any case I’m at least one internet stranger that thinks this is pretty cool. Congratulations on your setup and kudos for doing your part to make the world a slightly better place.

  3. ResponsibleSnowflake

    Love it. Be the change you wish to see!!
    I have enjoyed it immensely and it connects you to all nature’s cycles. Carbon, Nitrogen and of course the Hydrologic Cycle. You will learn about all the different nutrients from different food items like calcium from egg shells.
    My recommendation is to try all the different types of composting.

  4. eatpotdude

    If you put some kind of screen or mesh all around the inside, you’ll keep alot of bugs out. Especially the kind you don’t want in there

  5. Beautiful_Musician68

    I’m technically the only to compost but my brother and his gf both save their scraps for me and freeze them until they come over. They always call me to ask if the worms will eat something they are planning to save. So others around you might not start their own bins but there’s always a possibility they will contribute to yours eventually.

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