
Trim or let grow til next year?

I got 2 Shimpaku Juniper from a nursery. They are both pretty small (under 1 ft from base) I was thinking about pruning one and let the other grow bigger…or should I let both grow and prune them both a year from now?

by TheRumpleForesk1n


  1. Do you want a small bonsai, or a larger bonsai?

  2. somebastardinthehall

    You could prune, the plant would likely survive. But it would be better to wait until the next growing season. I would just let them be happy and healthy for while and then take care of big stresses when spring comes.

  3. TimeToTank

    Wait till spring. I’m learning this hobby is a lot like gardening. This time of year is the slow down.

  4. plantsypotsyperson

    I would let it grow but with intention. Select some branches prune back the ones you dont want to let grow and dont touch the ones you want to thicken for next year growth, you can select branches now and cut after. You can always cut later. You can’t uncut a branch. So keep this in mind in bonsai .

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