
Can I use this to get spray paint off trees, roots?

The cross country team thinks it’s cool to spray paint every tree root and rock on the trail (which is used normally, as a trail, the other 11 months a year) and I’m sick of their crap. They’re ruining the forest. I would kill to get more of the land to protected status but I haven’t been able to. How do I get the spray paint off?

by raggedyassadhd


  1. raggedyassadhd

    Also, how do I fight the school district in the use of neon orange spray paint on our small, crucial natural areas? This crap flakes off under the trees into the soil for years and they just redo it, more awful than before.

  2. jicamakick

    fuck that is annoying. i would reach out to the team and ask that they use flour or something that will breakdown. i wouldn’t try to remove the paint as you may end up doing further damage.

  3. FractalApple

    Get some sandpaper dude, 60 grit and a block

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