
Western red cedar yamadori advice

Going for old growth cedar w a candelabra leader and broken old top. Chopped some long thick branches back to sprouts any advice appreciated

by Tedious_NippleCore


  1. BryanSkinnell_Com

    You’ve pruned all you can. Now it’s time to let it grow and fill out. That’s exactly the same process that creates the magnificent old and weatherbeaten cedars that we all admire. They were broken down by the elements and regrew their crowns again. Probably several times over.

  2. Perserverance420

    This is just a suggestion based on what I see everyone see will see something different. Picture number one I see is your front. It gives a great movement to your trunk as for your deadwood. I think it needs to be reduced considerably. It’s just so straight, and I realize Cedars are a straight tree, but if you get that gin down to more of a nub I feel it gives the tree more movement and grace. I really like what you have going on with the foliage but if you can get a sell yourself fordom carver or borrow one. I feel you can get the most out of that tree and take it from interesting to awesome. you got plenty of time to think on it, though I could see deadwood running on down further on the trunk as well. Hope these thoughts help, feel free to ignore! Have fun with it.

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