Carnivorous Plants

My N. Ipu “Princess Mashed Potatoes”

My N. Ipu “Princess Mashed Potatoes”

by Z__Y

1 Comment

  1. Here’s a few pics of my N. Ipu “Princess Mashed Potatoes”, with the first two pics being how it looks like today and the last pic in the baggie was how it looked like 1 year ago when I got it. Princess Mashed Potatoes is an extreme mutant of a N. ventricosa x (maxima x ventricosa) cross, which normally does not look like this but one seedling ended up being unique. The plant was pretty rare a few years ago but I think it’s becoming more available now as people make more cuttings.

    Some people hate this plant but I like it’s pudginess.

    Despite the name, the plant is actually male flowering.

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