Plant Clinic

Came back from travels and found this on our lime tree. It’s also spreading to our kumquat. Anyone know what it is/how to treat it?

Came back from travels and found this on our lime tree. It’s also spreading to our kumquat. Anyone know what it is/how to treat it?

by or_glitch

1 Comment

  1. SetHopeful4081

    This is most likely a species of armoured scale. They’re very difficult to get rid of and will require regular scouting and pesticide application for a while to disrupt their lifecycle. Are you in a climate where the temperature is still high and it’s humid outside? If so I recommend leaving it outside for a while (maybe in afternoon shade if it’s not acclimated to the hot/direct sun). Blast it with water to remove newly hatched crawlers, but the armoured adults will need to be hand removed. Outdoors, natural predators will generally eat them, except for ants. Ants will spread them. If you look at new, branches with soft tisues, I can almost guarantee that you’ll find them there too.

    Horticultural oils and soaps are recommended, and perhaps in conjunction with a diatomaceous earth mixture as a preventative. Please read the label carefully so that you are aware of any phytotoxicity risks and make sure it is food safe since you’re applying it on a fruit tree.

    If this weren’t a plant you were consuming, I’d recommend a systemic or translaminar pesticide; however, these types of pesticides tend to be highly toxic and not food safe.

    Pest infestation is a symptom of a weakened plant defense system. It can indicate that there is something about its care or environment that is inadequate. (Or it’s old and on its last leg.)

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