
What are my alternatives?

Replanted grass here in the spring, it grew in fairly well through mid August, now it looks like this.

Aside from either 1) trimming back the tree, 2) expanding the mulch bed, or 3) leaving the dirt as-is, is there an extremely shade tolerant variety of grass I can plant or something else to consider?

by dmrsky


  1. Mystikalbigtruckdrvr

    Same problem with one of our trees. I just did clover, which I know some people don’t like. I threw it down with a little peat moss and watered once a day when I got home from work, started sprouting in 48 hours.

  2. dinothecat2000

    Your initial point are all correct Op.

    You can also,

    1. Limit mowing/ foot traffic/ impacts total his spot.
    2. Expand bed install dry shade perennials or ground cover.

    **Sunlight is the number 1 limiting factor for successful turf.

  3. You’d choose the grass over the tree?

    Tree canopy isn’t allowing enough sun through to the grass.

    Forget about grass there.

    Expand the flower bed to reduce competition for the tree.

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