Plant Propagation

Started a backyard Bougainvillea nursery.

Currently 11 mothers, and plan on selling only grafted bougs. I decided to test the ICU method vs just shade cloth and the results have been pretty identical. However the ICU requires you to harden off the plants, so I will be ditching it for now. I'm in South FL with 80° nights and 70%+ humidity, so I think ICU is no necessary. Over 80% success rate on the first run, looking forward to grafting.

by TerpeneTalk


  1. TerpeneTalk

    Also, this is about 2 weeks after propagation

  2. Shoddy_Research8419

    Awesome work 🙂 they’re beautiful and loving life. I’m inspired to set up a few shelves myself and have a bit of a nursery myself!

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