Gardening Austin

Advice on this guy?

Apologies for the ugly fence. We moved last year and have a remodel on the to do list lol

So I’ve had this guy for years. He started out as a small little 3in stick and has grown into this wild thing 😂. Honestly he is the most successful plant I’ve had so far.

I turned him around about 2months ago hoping he would start to even himself out. But he will only grow from the one side. Yesterday I did cut off two small arms and planted them in a pot to hopefully grow some roots.

Should I cut some of the bigger arms on him off too? I’m just kinda scared I’ll hurt him and cause him to decline. What do I do?

by Mainecoon_mix

1 Comment

  1. priscillapantaloons

    This is cholla and it’s practically impossible to kill. Put it in the ground and it will grow like a tree with a really thick trunk. They root extremely easily. If you don’t want it in the ground, it needs a much bigger pot. I don’t see it being able to support itself otherwise. I’m attaching a pic of mine, it’s 6 years old, started from a small piece, and I give it two big trims a year.

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