Gardening Australia

Am I right to worry about this yucca so close to the house? And should I try to get it out before it’s a bigger problem?

Am I right to worry about this yucca so close to the house? And should I try to get it out before it’s a bigger problem?

by Greedy-Wishbone-8090


  1. Sawathingonce

    I had yuccas that were taller than the house at one point. They should really be class’d as a weed imo.

  2. OhhClock

    Yes remove. They are truly awful plants

  3. Kayjaywt

    They are awful, had to tear 6 of them out with a 4WD here to get rid of them.

    Get them when they are small and save yourself a lot of pain.

  4. NoTarget95

    There was one this size at my place when I moved in 3 years ago. I cut and dug it out straight away but must have left tiny fragments. To this day it’s still coming up in that place every 6 months or so.

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