No Lawns

What is this? I want more of it.

These small leafed plants are tough enough to walk on and only grow to a small height. They’ve taken over some parts of my yard. I’ve got some bare spots and would love to transplant some of this and help it propagate. Will that work? What is it? This is in southern Connecticut.



  1. Traditional-Help7735

    There are a few species in this pic. A closer pic of the specific one you mean is needed. But it looks like you have an infestation of invasive japanese stilt grass. If I’m right, you should do everything possible to eradicate it. It grows in full sun to full shade, wet to dry soil, and it seeds aggressively while extirpating most other herbaceous plants. It is a huge problem in forests and home gardens alike. Also, it grows up to 4 ft, so it won’t stay small.

  2. DontBeeeeSuspicious

    Agree that’s Japanese stiltgrass. Yes, it’s cute and fluffy now. The problem is that they are perennial and will die off in a few months for winter, so you will be left with a cold mud pit.

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