
What is this?

I'm in zone 5a and recently moved to a new house with a couple acres. The previous owners had a garden and I'm seeing this spread pretty far across the yard. It smells a little bit like mint but doesn't look like mint?

by jvmoney44


  1. the-big-ez

    looks like oregano. it will spread easily.

  2. Midnights_Marauder

    Chickweed. It’s edible, contains lots of iron, and is impossible to kill. It dies off every year as things heat up and will come back on its own.

  3. SmallTitBigClit

    I have oregano. This is what it looks like. Prune often or it’ll get out of control. Make sure you use Kevlar gloves. Yellowjackets love nesting in the woody stems under the green – I’ll spare you the details on how I know that. You could also use permethrin 3 days before pruning.

  4. Total-Lengthiness-29

    That’s definitely the ground.

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