Indoor Garden

Why did my heartleaf philo produce this gnarly leaf?

Just noticed this sickly leaf the top of my plant. I keep my HP on a bookshelf about 12 feet from a north facing window so it doesn't get a ~ton~ of light. I've been trying to just water when it feels dry to me. I usually stick my finger in. Could this be some sort of infection? The rest of the plant looks pretty good except for another leaf towards the top that's yellowing(last photo). Any ideas? Thanks!

by Expensive_Chain_6589


  1. 100GoldenPuppies

    It’s fine, it’s just the plant getting rid of an old tired leaf. There will be more as it grows and ages.

  2. Charming-Tale-9050

    Sometimes I like to imagine they dump all their stress and anxiety into one leaf and then kill it off. Very therapeutic.

  3. Dylonial

    I would get a magnifying glass and look VERY closely for pests. If you are not used to looking for thrips they are almost impossible to see, but I might be able to see a couple bugs in these photos (hard to tell, I could be wrong). Focus on checking new growth and the underside of leaves, starting with the leaves that are struggling.

    When a plant decides to reabsorb an old leaf it is usually one of the lower, oldest leaves. New leaves dying or coming out weird is not a good sign.

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