Gardening UK

Prevention of The treacherous weed?

Northern England. Firstly is this called bindweed? That’s what my neighbour has wonderfully called it… pretty flowers! However is there anything we can do to limit its growth or kill it completely? He’s having huge issues with it overtaking his allotment.

Any and all help greatly appreciated thank you

by ukknownW


  1. Miserable-Print-1568

    Wrote this on another post a couple of weeks back so I’ll post it here too. I have a slightly different stance on bindweed as I don’t like weed killer, I tend to pull it out then dig over the ground pulling as much of the long white root out as I can. I then put bamboo canes around where it grows and cover it with cardboard and it tends to only grow up those canes then I pull it out by the root from around the canes and it seems to slowly weaken it. It’s pointless putting weed killer down if your neighbours don’t with something like bindweed, and even then it still has a habit of coming back. Learnt this from my grandad and I can say it does work but you’ve got to keep on top of it.

  2. thisiswecalypso

    Dig it every year in winter. Pull out as many roots as possible. Yank it up on sight in Spring and summer.

    It’s impossible to eradicate completely, but reasonably easy to suppress with a bit of work/vigilance.

  3. agilecabbage

    You’ll often find that the things every gardener hates e.g. bindweed, ragwort, ivy are actually really good for wildlife.

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