Grafting Plants

Strategy for grafting Myrtillocalycium cutting

Strategy for grafting Myrtillocalycium cutting

by CurtisMarauderZ


  1. CurtisMarauderZ

    I’ve got this thing coming in the mail later this week, but I could use some advice for where to cut and what to put each piece on.

    I have three large plants I can use as rootstock, plus a handful of smaller columnar cacs and some pereskiopsis.


    * Pros: heckin big and has active growth
    * Cons: not very water resistant


    * Pros: more compatible with scion
    * Cons: smaller, recently repotted, no growth in the last six months

    San Pedro (an old photo. Currently has a two-inch-wide pup with a moon cactus scion, but I was planning to remove the pup anyway)

    * Pros: big and well established, actively growing
    * Been a stump for many months. Vascular tissue at the top might be atrophied.

  2. Deathed_Potato

    I tried to chop up a polyp and tried five grafts on a four inch pup. All failed.

    I would safe bet and get it on myrtillo and then start playing with cuttings once it takes.

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