
What’s wrong/ happening to two of my tomato plants?

These are two of my tomato plants that I’ve transplanted a month ago. A few days after the transplant I watered with some aloe Vera water that was mixed with a table spoon of epsom salts to help with root growth.

These two were lush with foliage and a nice green color, but for a week and a half now they’ve been looking like this; stunted, curling branches and slow growth.

I’ve been watering fairly consistently given my climate and have fertilized twice with potassium as the other tomatoes are flowering. (I thought maybe it’s lacking in nitrogen so some days ago I gave these two alone some nitrogen).

I don’t know if the spots on the leaves can help with identifying what’s wrong with them, but I’d like to know that, what caused it and how to help/prevent it.

by luhgardener

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