
What are those huge worms / larvae

There were more but they escaped downwards till I got the camera out

It's been a month now, it doesn't smell like trash gone bad anymore (I stopped adding greens and only added browns for some time) smell is, more like between earth and moldy bread now if it makes sense. It's not very unpleasant but I wouldn't want to take a wiff for pleasure yet lol.

Anyways there has been small flies, ants, bugs, lots of fast crawlers smaller than sesame seeds but these larvae are huge! Some are close to an inch long and I didn't keep turning the compost for better look for the fear of crushing them with action.

Anyone know what they will be as adults? Are they good to have in the bin?

by Hymura_Kenshin

1 Comment

  1. Almostbuff

    Could be black fly larvae depending on region. Usually they’re somewhat beneficial as they’ll help break down stuff faster. If you heat up compost bin they’ll go away/die.

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