
Need a plan for this ficus…

I have no idea where to go from here. I've had this tree for 3 years, and it's a bit more mature looking than when I started and has an interesting trunk, but it still feels like it has a ways to go. I just reported it yesterday into this larger pot, so I'm wondering if my best course would be let it grow for a couple more years… what do you think? Any drastic chopping or cutting that you would recommend now?

by Ghost_Mantis_Man

1 Comment

  1. Powerowill

    I think it has good form and size. My opinion would be to determine where you want the top of the tree to be and just run the ol’ clip and grow technique to promote ramification of the branches. Only time will make the trunk thicken. An even bigger pot might make that go faster but then it doesn’t look as pretty.

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