Plant Identification

What is this demon spawn that keeps stabbing my kids feet!?

It’s not even from my yard, it seems to grow from our neighbors yard and they all blow into our yard. They are SHARP and i’m sick of pulling them out of my babies legs! What is it and how the hell do i get rid of it 😭

by TinaBeee23


  1. Capt_Dyl_Panhandle

    Idk about y’all but on the islands on the panhandle we call them sandspurs and yes they are the devil 😂

  2. justamike

    Sandspurs. Pull the plants, pull the runners when you see the stalks start flowering. If there’s loose ones in the grass, drag a flat bed sheet across the area to snag the spurs and throw them in the trash.

    Those spurs are the seeds. Meticulously remove the plants and seeds and within a couple seasons they will be gone

    If the wind is blowing them into your yard, put up a fence or plant something thick there to stop the flow

  3. Unlucky-Elderberry69

    we call them stickers here in oklahoma🤣

  4. Southern_Spore_6562

    I’m sorry you now suffer from this.

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