What's this plant

Tiny plant found growing near fresh water

Found growing near fresh water in BC Canada; thumb for size reference [pic 2]. Third picture shows the immediate area. I was wondering about the function of the tiny hairs shown in [pic 1]. Do these trap bugs, or collect moisture?

by b3astm0de2021


  1. BuddingPlantLady

    I don’t have a definite ID, but it looks like a sundew to me. If it is, the little hairs and droplets serve to trap bugs for the plant to eat.

  2. Euphoric_Egg_4198

    Carnivorous sundew as linked by poster above. Please don’t share exact location if anyone contacts you, these plans are poached and poachers will destroy the ecosystem to get all of them. I was in a carnivorous plant group on FB and they always warned us about poaching.

  3. Realistic-Bass2107

    Wow I learn so much on Reddit!

  4. CartographerUpbeat61

    How lucky are you ?!!! Thanks for an interesting post .

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