
what are these white eggs on my tomato plant?

what are these white eggs on my tomato plant?

by Pristine_Cry_7637


  1. Academic-Emu-8788

    Those are wasps eggs in a horn worm.

  2. Alexis_J_M

    You’ve won the wasp lottery — those are wasp eggs on a hornworm, which will hatch into lovely pollinators and then seek out their own hornworms to kill.

  3. DoucheCanoe247

    Please leave it be. The wasps are parasitic to those horn worms. They take care of the garden pest so you don’t have to.

  4. antepenny

    Good news: not on your tomato plant. More good news: you’re not a horn worm?

  5. No-Coffee-5642

    That’s wild that OP apparently took this pic without seeing a caterpillar right there

  6. Neat_Mechanic8539

    Parasitized hornworm. Yay for you!!

  7. -_Redacted-__

    Imagine one of those chest bursters from Alien… Except instead of one, you have like 80 of them all over your body. They keep you alive the entire time, consuming you from the inside until finally… they burst out of your flesh to form little cocoons all over your now corps, waiting to transform into a beautiful fully grown Parasitic Wasp.

  8. DragonGateLTC

    I spotted these myself. Didn’t Know I had a hornworm issue, pulled one off a plant and threw it out back to the hay grass growing. Would explain where some of the leaves have gone on my tomatoes.

    The other two had eggs on them and I let them be.

  9. OnionTruck

    Those are wasp cocoons on a hornworm that is on your plant. Dead man walking.

  10. undeservingporcupine

    That’s no ~~moon~~ tomato plant

  11. Neozoddcq

    you mean… what is your tomato plant doing on the white egg and worm.

  12. newthrash

    braconid wasp larvae. the braconid lays a virus that prevents the caterpillar’s immune system from attacking the wasp’s eggs. The virus only lives because the wasp moves it to a new host, I think unlike every other virus in known existence.

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