
Droopy Jigsaw Pepper Plant Struggling HARD

Help Needed to Save My Droopy Jigsaw Pepper Plant reddit gods of r/hydroponics please bless me with your sage advice…

My young Jigsaw pepper plant (about 4 inches tall) is in a 3 inch netpot with clay pebbles, sitting directly above a 5 gallon reservoir, aerated 24/7 with a bubbler, and is sprinkled with water above the clay pebbles for 40 seconds every 20 minutes. After a recent cold snap here in the Midwest, it's been showing signs of stress—droopy leaves and an excessive amount of bloom. Here are some measurements over the past few days:

Sept 8, 2024 AM:
pH: 7.2
EC: 1.44 mS/cm
ORP: 71 mV
Temperature: 17.8°C (64°F)
Salt: 772 ppm

Actions Taken:
– Dumped the container and refilled it with tap water.
– Added fertilizer, pH up, and hydrogaurd.
– Added a water heater to stabilize the water temperature around 75°F (24°C).

Sept 8, 2024 PM:
pH: 6.95
EC: 2.2 mS/cm
ORP: 231 mV
Temperature: 25.2°C (77.4°F)
Salt: 1060 ppm

Sept 11, 2024:
pH: 7.61
EC: 1.701 mS/cm
ORP: 103 mV
Temperature: 24.9°C (76.8°F)
Salt: 804 ppm


Jigsaw pepper plant with droopy leaves and lots of blooms is struggling despite efforts to adjust pH, EC, and temperature in a hydroponics setup. Looking to get lucky🤑

by joshandnoodles

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