Plant Clinic

What’s wrong with my nerve plant :(

Hi everyone,

I’m worried about my nerve plant. I keep it in our bathroom by a window where it gets indirect light every day. It has been doing great for ~5 months so far but today I noticed one leaf turned brown and looks almost burnt? And a couple others lower down on the plant are shriveling and turning pale. Does anyone know if this is simply overwatering or not enough? I typically mist it every 3-4 days, and have only directly watered the soil about 1-2 times a month.

I was already wondering if the terrarium was preventing it from growing past this point as it hasn’t grown very much in a while, so I might attempt that tomorrow.

by avatarwang72


  1. AutoModerator

    It looks like you may be asking about a terrarium. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/terrariums for more specialized care advice.

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  2. SetHopeful4081

    If you take it out of the terrarium, expect it to look like it wilted. They are very dramatic and require high humidity to perk back up. Since it sits in the bathroom, maybe it’ll do okay. They normally stay pretty short in my experience. The only problem is that if they grow a lot, the Fittinia can become overcrowded in the terrarium.

    The bottom leaves are older and aren’t getting much light, and the new growth is absorbing the nutrients from the tissue before it senesces. I don’t really see anything wrong with this plant tbh. Looks healthy and lovely 🙂

    You have a green thumb👍🏼

    Edit: if the entire plant including the new leaves start to yellow, maybe give it some fertilizer

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