Gardening UK

My hydrangeas never turned pink

The flowers developed but remained green from June – September. Could this be caused by a lack of sunlight? They are in a partially shady spot which gets ~4 hours of direct sunlight on a sunny day. Or something to do with the soil?

by Gundog


  1. tinyasshoIe

    PH affects Hydrangeas blooming colour.

  2. Has it flowered pink before?

    Some hydrangea varieties actually have green flowers. If it’s one you’ve just planted, or you’ve just moved in to a new place and this is the first year you’ve had it, maybe you have one of these green flowering types.

  3. Automatic_Jello_1536

    I think it’s the sun
    Not pH.

    White hydrangeas stay more green in shadier spots
    So probably the same thing here

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