
New alocasia… I don’t want to kill another

Some background: my husband bought me one through Amazon and it lasted two weeks before it started rotting at the base. So I threw it away not knowing that when alocasias are moved a lot they go into shock/dormancy and they aren't dead. I saved the corms and got those to grow but as soon as I moved them into a different substrate (straight perlite was not working for me as i was forgetting to change the water it was sitting in and I didn't want root rot) so I moved it to a blend of soil, orchid mix, and a ton of perlite and they all dropped their leaves, so now I have them back in a humidity dome and heated nursery.

My new plant: This new little guy I bought from a local gardening center so i wouldnt shock it. I have it next to my humidifier and it has a grow light. I know melo are jewel alocasia but I don't know that's any different then other alocasias. I was told by the gardener their to let the dirt dry out before watering her but um I bought my little guy with a leaf falling off and the dirt so dry it was falling out of the pot. No hate towards the gardener because she's actually given me a ton of good tips for my calathea which all look amazing and are thriving.

But I just want this one to not loose leaves, help!

by Desperate-Student987

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