
Is there such a thing as too chill of a rooster?

I've raised up some golden laced wyandottes and am trying to decide which rooster to keep. The first two chased the girls nearly constantly, while this last one doesn't. But does that mean he's not going to do his job protecting them and making new babies? He's one of my favorite looking ones so I thought about keeping hum but not if he's not a good choice. I have more I can try but was hoping to process them sooner rather than later.

by Atarlie


  1. NewMolecularEntity

    My rooster is a complete gentleman to the hens. He never chases or abuses them. Politely requests to mate and if they tell him to fuck off he walks away. 

    However, if he hears any distress, he is right there ready for a fight. He leads them to safety urgently when we have a predator.  I have also seen him running leading the fox away from the hens. He was in the jaws of a fox at least once that I have seen (fox dropped home when I yelled) so I know he is putting himself out there in danger for them.  

    He is a good boy and does a good job.  He also breaks up hen arguments.  

  2. Tall_glass_o

    If he doesn’t fight predators then yes to chill 🫶

  3. maddslacker

    The calm one will likely step up once the other more dominant ones are removed.

  4. RockPaperSawzall

    Go with the chill guy, but be aware his personality will change when the other ones are removed.

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