
Post your worst

I see pictures of amazing tomato plants on here every day, but I want to know who has some terrible failure pictures of plants that are bad and should feel bad. Pic is of my best plant from year 1 it was a black cherry from the local nursery.

by NelumboBJJ


  1. ASHO2020

    Two years ago was my first year growing and I didn’t want to invest a lot of money. I bought the cheapest cage Walmart had to offer and my plant quickly outgrew it and fell over. For some ungodly reason, I thought it was a good idea to TAPE the plant to my garage siding for support (???) instead of using any one of the many tried and true methods. Btw, the amount of fruits was pure beginner’s luck – I’ve NEVER had such a yield or as large of a size of Camparis from one plant ever again.

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