
These have been erupting from my asphalt driveway. Is it bamboo?

These have been erupting from my asphalt driveway. I also pulled some out. Wondering if it is bamboo? Photos below

by Few_Ninja_1735


  1. vegetariangardener

    Any lillies nearby? They’re pretty aggressive spreaders via rhizome

  2. treesplantsgrass

    I would be more concerned about your asphalt driveway. Is it ½ an inch thick???

  3. some_kind_of_friend

    I don’t think that’s bamboo.

  4. reneemergens

    i dont think its bamboo, it would be more cone shaped with a sheathed appearance

  5. Inakabatake

    Bamboo usually has tasty shoots that look like brown cones before leafing out.

  6. rippa76

    I had a Tulip fight through a hole in my asphalt. It’s not the season, but my point is that there are plenty of lil’ fighters that ah…find a way.

  7. ThisIsMyOtherBurner

    these are spreading from rhizomes from some plant nearby. start doing laps until you find where. guess would be knotweed but need more info. start canvassing and look for similar stuff.

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