
Why is my monstera deliciosa drooping?

I only got her a month ago but two weeks ago I moved and put her near a northern facing window. The room gets relatively well lit by natural light but I don’t know if she really gets direct sun. Also I’ve been watering her once every two weeks but maybe not enough because I am using tap water that’s been sitting out for 12+ hours in the hopes of getting rid of the chlorine. The leaves have been drooping recently (and also need to be cleaned somehow?) and the soil is pretty dry. Maybe I need a repot because I can see the roots? Appreciate any help!

by westalahana


  1. Downtown-Banana9255

    I’m not an expert so take eveything I say with a grain of salt

    I water my monstera with random bottles of water I find around the house and water once a month, and it’s thriving. Maybe when you water, make sure it’s getting a thorough watering kinda like drown it in water. You should wait until about 3 inches or about a finger deep are completely dry before watering again. As for cleaning I use a damp paper towel and gently clean each leaf

  2. Ok-Potential3434

    Soil doesn’t seem chunky enough. Roots may have rot. have you checked?

  3. GreenSlimeSublime

    Soil looks too fine plus several plants in the pot I think

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