
What am I doing wrong? 😭

I am a novice at keeping air plants (unless there is a lower level 😂), and I can't seem to keep my air plants alive. I have tried soaking them weekly in water then letting them dry out. I have tried spritzing them once a week with a mister. They get indirect lighting but I've also tried putting them right in the windowsill. It seems that no matter what I do they shrivel up. Can anyone give me advice on why this might be happening and how I can fix it?

Two pictures attached

by OutrageousAddendum99


  1. Ausmerica

    Well, the one in the picture has dried up, so it was under watered. If you’re struggling to keep them hydrated it can help to bump up the humidity by keeping them on a tray or pot of pebbles with water in it. The pebbles will keep the plant from directly touching water, but will give a little boost to the humidity.

    Moreso than anything I would check in with them more often – if you see the tips of the leaves browning then they’re likely too dry.

  2. Fish_OuttaWater

    They need bright indirect sunlight dear one. Getting the light balance is very important. Seems you are doing right by your watering schedule and method of drying after watering.

    I personally don’t mist mine, I just give them a weekly to every 10 day spa bath. (I have big ones, so they need a spa tub to get a good drink in)

    Get yourself some more airplants and relocate your new ones from your nightstand to a window (either hanging in the window or on the windowsill) – they do prefer a South or West facing window, but ANY light is better than no light. You could also try full spectrum grow lights too. I use Barrina lights for some other plants I have that are lacking a good light source. I’ve never used grow lights for airplants, so I can’t speak to how well they work for airplants.

  3. sierrasquirrel

    The spot you have it in seems too dark (I have mine under grow lights, but your window looks nice and bright- I bet they’d love it there!) and the plant almost definitely died of dehydration. My air plants are happiest in the bathroom where they get extra humidity every time I shower- what’s the average humidity like in your room? If your room stays on the dryer side, a humidifier or pebble tray might help (or you could move them to another room with higher humidity), and it’s a good idea to water it more often too. Once a week is a general recommendation, but you can definitely water more often if the air is drying them out faster than that! I recommend giving your plant(s) a deep watering (soaking them for at least a few hours), then shake the water out and let them dry upside-down to prevent rot. Best of luck with your future air plants 😊

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