
Another Update: Mountain hut composting and season finale (aka it’s snowing)

These pictures are from yesterday and today. We received a lot of snow in one day!

What an amazing summer it’s been! I’m so happy I got to learn about composting and see some real progress with the piles. I started a third bin which I think was pretty helpful to break up the pile from this summer. I tried my best to lasagna some browns in there one last time before the snow came. This is a really early and heavy snowstorm for this time and year! Right now we have over 40 cm of snow and the forecast suggests it will continue for a few days. I’ll be lucky if it’s gone by beginning the of October which is when I plan to see my piles again. I added browns to the old pile as well and I hope that’ll be enough to finish it off.

With all this snow and us needing to close the hut in a few days, I’m not sure what else to do with our food waste other than just dig out the snow and pile it on top of the boxes. Is it wise to cover the piles with a tarp for the winter or would that not do too much?

Running a mountain hut is a pretty intense and exhausting job with very little time for myself. Composting became my summer hobby and it’s brought me a lot of joy. Thanks to everyone for the comments and advice. I hope I can update next year and maybe have a little wild flower garden started by next summer. 🙂

by Hayhay_Hailstorm

1 Comment

  1. Bargainhuntingking

    That looks awfully Alpine. Amazing location, but extremely short growing season I suspect?

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