What's this plant

What is this plant and could it be attracting mosquitos?

What is this plant and could it be attracting mosquitos?

by rebrab526


  1. rebrab526

    My backyard has a terrible mosquito problem, but only on the side where this plant is located. Could this be the source of the mosquito issue?

  2. Realistic-Reception5

    Looks to be some sort of cherry laurel, no clue about the mosquitos though

  3. forwardseat

    Typically, standing water is what attracts mosquitos. If this plant is causing standing water, or stagnant areas, that could be the culprit. But generally mosquitos aren’t attracted to specific plants.

  4. LargeAd9409

    they might be attracted to the shade under all those leaves. in my yard they hide out during the day in the ivy and bushes and come out when I’m trimming, or just in general once the sun starts setting

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