No Lawns

Can anyone ID this grass?

So I'm seeding in microclover in my backyard. It's currently a cluster**** of mixed grasses. I'm in the Northeast 7b. This is the grass I'm pulling out. It looks (sorta) okay when immature but is ugly, mounding and coarse when mature. It has very thick stems for being a grass. It did stay green when everything else went dormant in the July heat. I also noticed that a local park had the same type so I assume it's considered desirable in high traffic areas. I am banishing it but am just curious as to the name.

by PsychoAnalLies


  1. Tmorgan-OWL

    Looks like crab grass! A real pain in the assspen in hot/humid areas!

  2. Cool-Presentation538

    That is definitely grass. 100%

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