Native Plant Gardening

My Backyard Blue Wood Aster & White Snakeroot “Garden”

My Backyard Blue Wood Aster & White Snakeroot “Garden”

by LRonHoward

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  1. LRonHoward

    This is a shady area that was completely overrun with Garlic Mustard (*Alliaria petiolata*) and Creeping Bellflower (*Campanula rapunculoides*) when I first started “gardening”… After tackling those problems (the garlic mustard is basically gone, but I’m going to be battling creeping bellflower forever it seems), these volunteers started popping up – Blue Wood Aster (*Symphyotrichum cordifolium*) and White Snakeroot (*Ageratina altissima*). I’ve let them go wild over the past couple years, and, as you can see, it’s probably time for me to start controlling them hahaha.

    However, the pollinators are absolutely in love… so it’s kind of hard to cut or pull them. Anyway, I’ve been planting a lot of other species in the middle – there is a lot of Zig-Zag Goldenrod (*Solidago flexicaulis*) starting to establish. There is also a bunch of Virginia Waterleaf (*Hydrophyllum virginianum*) and Virginia Creeper/Woodbine (*Parthenocissus inserta*) which were here… I am treating this area like the Thunderdome for aggressive native plants 🙂

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