
Lettuce bolting?

Hello fellow redditors first-time hydroponics here. Followed a DIY book and made a simple wicking-type hydroponics and placed some lettuce seedings there. They were doing fine and grew well for the past few weeks.

However they seemed leggy and grow in height but not in sideways. Is this normal or are they bolting? Also the medium is quite shallow (just held in a small tea bag) and i plan to move to a proper ebb and flow soon (the flood tray on the right).



  1. Naijadey

    1000% needs better light. I’m an extra noob like you, but I believe this is a light issue.

  2. breynie

    You can get a basic light meter for free on your phone and measure the DPI then compare it to requirements.

  3. 234beekeeper

    As someone else said light issue, but it could be making them grow tall because they desperately want to get closer to the light

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